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Reviewing overall operations of internal control system and if deviations or weakness are noted, the same are communicated to the appropriate authorities on timely basis. This will help in instituting corrective actions.
We work to build the internal audit throughout a convenient and productive tool in today’s Corporate Governance Committee environment.
We go further of traditional basics and added tangible value.
Our internal audit services can assist both you and your counsel do precisely that with a comprehensive and disciplined approach that gives practical solutions, not strong reports.
Our specialists and services are focused on value creation and offers you the vision and foresight throughout the enterprise as a whole, to address the future head on.
Our skilled professional auditors adopt a risk-based approach focusing on the objectives and constraints of our clients to achieve those objectives.
The internal checks system operating in the organization is sound and economical.
Confirming that the liabilities are incurred for the legitimate activities of the organization.
The assets are purchased or disposed under proper authorization. Also ensuring that the access to assets is restricted to the authorized persons at the authorized times.
Ascertaining that accepted accounting policies and practices have been followed while preparing the financial accounts.
Fraud and errors are prevented and detected.
Verification of the accuracy and authenticity of the financial, accounting and statistical records.
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